Our Classes

Reformer Foundations

This class is a low impact Reformer Pilates workout that will focus on strength, mobility, & balance. You can expect a full body workout designed to encourage you to find your mind-body connection in order to engage your deep core muscles and maximize your workout. You will likely feel muscles you were not even aware existed!

Suitable for all levels including pregnancy. We recommend you do a couple of these classes before progressing to other classes.

Reformer Body

An open level class that offers full body strength and tone. With a focus on flow sequencing, this class will allow you to gain strength and length and bless you with a full body workout.

Please ensure you have attended a minimum of 2 Foundations classes before attending this class.

Reformer Power

This class is a high intensity, low impact reformer workout that aims to increase your heart rate and challenge your strength. Our most progressive and challenging class, we incorporate cardio and strength endurance exercises all to an upbeat playlist. Be prepared to use props (weights, balls and bands) to ensure you have an invigorating workout.

Please ensure you have attended at minimum of 2 Foundations classes and 1 Body class prior to attending this class.

Reformer Pace

This class is for all you cardio junkies. This class will keep your heart rate up and having you moving the whole time. There will be lots of jumping in this class but it is lying down on the reformer so much less impact than jumping on the ground.

Please ensure you have attended a minimum of 2 Foundations classes prior to attending this class. Not suitable for pregnancy.

Reformer Rhythm

A high energy, full body reformer workout that will have you moving to the beat of energetic music. You will transition between sequences with ease. Expect to use weights and resistance in these classes.

*Please ensure you have attended Foundations and Body classes before attending this class as familiarity with the reformer is necessary. 

BYO Baby

For all the mums looking to for a friendly place to get back into it. This will work on strengthening those new muscles you need to hold your bub. We will also be stretching so that you get a bit of a release for any muscles under tension. This is a friendly place to start to feel yourself again. Your baby is welcome too but if you wish to have time for yourself and not bring bub that is fine too. This class will be returning in October 2023 and will be done in 4-week blocks.

Suitable for all levels.